
An efficient therapy as complement to the Niehans Cell Treatment

What is H.O.T.?

H.O.T. or Hematogen Oxydation Therapy is a biologic healing method, which was introduced by Prof. Wehrli 30 years ago. Ever since, it has been used by hundreds of doctors in Germany mainly.


- Peripheric blood circulation problems
- Circulation problems of the brain vessels
- Coronary sclerosis
- Arterial hyper and hypotension
- Troubles of the lipid metabolism
- Chronic liver ailments
- Chronic stomach and intestine ulcers
- Stomatitis
- Paradentosis
- Gingivitis
- Rheumatism of the muscles and other.

Technique of the H.O.T. treatment

60 to 80cm3 blood are taken from the patient's cubital vein; this blood cannot coagulate thanks to the addition of Natrium Citricum.

In a special device, the blood is then whirled with oxygen. In a quartz glass container, the blood bubbles are slowly forwarded and run passed an ultraviolet burner. It is here that UV-light irradiation of the blood takes place. Finally, the irridiated blood is collected in a special recipient and reinjected into the patient's vein.

The treatment lasts approximately 40 minutes. All the apparatus which comes in contact with blood is disposable, so that there is no danger of infection.